Dziarski Czad


  • Athletes: 220 osób + 30 at the organizer's disposal
  • Time limit: 22 h
  • Start: Eko-marina Polańczyk 22:00, 11.05.2024
  • Finish: Skup Runa Leśnego 20:00, 11.05.2024
  • ITRA points:4
  • RMT:6
  • Refreshment stations: 6
  • Support: allowed


  • 1. The classification in all races will be provided in gender categories: women and men categories (general class) and in the category of women and men aged 18-29 (Female, Male 20), 30- 39 (Female, Male 30), 40-49 (Female, Male 40), 50-59 (Female, Male 50) and 60+ (Female, Male 60). The categories are not double. The full results will be posted upon reaching the last athlete, on the last day of competition.
  • 2. The first three athletes from the general category of women and the general category of men will be awarded at each distance.
  • 3. The decision may be chosen to reward the first athletes in the age categories. Prizes will be based on the generosity of sponsors. The organizer reserves the right to award prizes in the selection decision.
  • 4. Detailed information on the prizes awarded in terms of age, fund prizes and their amount will be provided by the organizer in a separate announcement.
  • 5. The decoration will be held on the date and with the achievements in a separate announcement.

Fees and registration

Till December 31st, 2023Till February 28th, 2024Till March 31st, 2024After March 31st, 2024
320 zł340 zł370 zł400 zł

  1. Applications will be accepted only via the online application form available at, which will be made available on 11/11/2022 at 12.00 The condition for a properly completed application is the complete completion of the online form and payment of the registration fee.

Informacje o trasie

Informacje o trasie


102+ KM

Suma wzniesień

+4850 m

Suma spadku

-4750 m

Mandatory Equipment

  • The bib number placed on the front in a visible and readable place
  • Charged cell phone with application Ratunek installed
  • NRC, 140x200cm at least
  • Headlamp with a set of spare batteries
  • The rear lamp lights up solid red
  • A whistle
  • Reusable cup (the organizer does not provide disposable cups on the points)
  • A running backpack capable of storing all mandatory equipment
  • A canteen / water bottles with a total capacity of at least 1 liter and a water supply of at least 1 liter at the exit from each nutritional point
  • GPS device with the recorded track of the route
  • Route map
  • Rain jacket with a hood with a minimum water resistance of 10,000mm (regardless of the expected weather)
  • Trail shoes
  • Buff or similar
  • Elastic bandage
  • ID card or passport
  • GOPR (Mountain Rescue Service in Poland) number or app Ratunek installed
  • Cash 50 PLN at least

Suggested equipment

  • Clothes appropriate to the current weather
  • First aid and sewing kit


